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  1. Tickera is an online plugin for those of you who need help with selling tickets and delivering them virtually to your customers. It has a lot of features that help you manage your events and sell the tickets directly on your website. The customers can choose from many payment gateways, all integrations being built-integrations, such as Authorize.net, Braintree, PayGate, PayPal or Mollie.

    Tickera是一个在线插件,适合那些需要帮助销售门票并将其虚拟交付给客户的人。 它具有许多功能,可帮助您管理活动并直接在您的网站上出售门票。 客户可以从许多支付网关中进行选择,所有集成都是内置的集成,例如Authorize.net,Braintree,PayGate,PayPal或Mollie。

    Besides this, with Tickera you can create multiple templates for each ticket type easily, you can add many details to your tickets such as price or stock, you have no service fees, no additional costs and no commission and it is multisite compatible. In addition, you might want to try their fusion with WooCommerce called Bridge for WooCommerce, which adds even more features to the site! Some of the supported Tickera Addons are Custom Forms, EVENTS, Barcode Reader, CSV Report, Custom Ticket Template Font or Check-in Notifications, which add even more awesomeness.

    除此之外,借助Tickera,您可以轻松地为每种票证类型创建多个模板,可以在票证中添加许多详细信息,例如价格或股票,无需服务费,无需额外费用,无需佣金,并且它可以与多站点兼容。 另外,您可能想尝试将它们与WooCommerce融合在一起,称为Bridge for WooCommerce,这将为站点添加更多功能! 一些受支持的Tickera插件是“自定义表单”,“事件”,“条形码阅读器”,“ CSV报告”,“自定义票证模板字体”或“签到通知”,这些都增加了更多功能。

    In brief, Tickera is a great system for selling tickets, which also comes with a white label smart phone application for iOS and Android platforms which allows you to scan tickets with your iPhone, iPad or Android device and check in attendees easily, making the cooperation between you and your users easier!


  2. How would we describe Backblaze? Hm, not a hard question, since it is such an user-friendly service willing to help you with recovering your lost data. Therefore, we would say that it is your saviour regarding all those files that you have lost and cried so much for them (or not, but we still know that you may have felt sorry). Ranked as #1 online backup service, it helps people worldwide to backup millions of files at unlimited speed, access all of their computers and external drives backed up from almost any device, download any of your files and eventually share them in lots of ways. In addition, it provides you with extra security as shown by their secure datacenters with 24-hour staff, biometric security and redundant power where you data is stored, or by the possibility to use a personal encryption key for additional security. On top of that, if it ever happens to lose your computer, Backblaze comes to its rescue by using many methods which will help the police investigate and recover your stolen computer.

    我们将如何形容Backblaze? 嗯,这不是一个难题,因为它是一项用户友好的服务,愿意帮助您恢复丢失的数据。 因此,对于您丢失并为它们哭泣的所有这些文件,我们可以说是您的救星(或没有,但我们仍然知道您可能感到抱歉)。 它被誉为在线备份服务的第一名,可帮助世界各地的人们以无限的速度备份数百万个文件,访问几乎从任何设备备份的所有计算机和外部驱动器,下载任何文件并最终以多种方式共享它们。 此外,它还为您提供了额外的安全性,如拥有24小时工作人员的安全数据中心,生物识别安全性和存储数据的冗余功能所显示的那样,或者通过使用个人加密密钥来提高安全性。 最重要的是,如果万一碰巧丢失了计算机,Backblaze会通过多种方法来挽救自己,这将有助于警方调查和恢复您的被盗计算机。

  3. Shrink the Web it’s the best way to capture website screenshots but not only that. You can also, crop, shrink, save, display or upload them with a single line of code that you have to paste in the bar situated on the homepage or with a screenshot plugin.You can use it for free as it is really easy to install and integrate or, for a few dollars a month you can choose between a basic, plus or enterprise account with which you can access their pro features.They are a highly acclaimed service with good reviews and the best team support if you have any misunderstandings. Their special features include custom quality or resolution as many users ask for that, widescreen or inside page capture, URL-to-PDF conversion and full-length capture the automated website screenshot system and the best thumbnail provider supporting also mix-and-match of any features depending on what you need.

    收缩网络是捕获网站截图的最佳方法,不仅如此。 您还可以通过单行代码来裁剪,缩小,保存,显示或上传它们,您必须将其粘贴到主页上的栏中或使用屏幕截图插件。您可以免费使用它,因为它非常容易安装和集成,或者每月花费几美元在基本,高级或企业帐户之间进行选择,就可以使用它们访问其专业功能。如果您有任何误解,它们是一项备受好评的服务,具有良好的评价和最佳的团队支持。 它们的特殊功能包括许多用户要求的自定义质量或分辨率,宽屏或内页捕获,URL到PDF转换和全长捕获,自动网站截图系统以及最佳的缩略图提供程序,还支持混合和匹配。任何功能取决于您的需求。

  4. Ultimatum Theme is the website theme builder that can turn any zero into a web design hero. The inestimable drag-and-drop layout editor offers a huge range of elements that, just by having different settings, can lead to unique, extraordinary results. It is based on Bootstrap framework and its direct derivatives, the Boostwatches, but using the CSS live editor can avoid the danger of having another monotonous website that looks like other one hundred thousands. Its user friendliness is based on the large number of options and choices. A few that we have to mention are a dozen basic themes, a couple of hundred widgets and complete integration with all of the WordPress plugins. Its prices are not that low, but for a one-time payment you get all the accessibility and features for a lifetime, by the agreement of a license. A premium account comes with even more: mobile website builder, because this segment is growing, and unlimited domains, for every need you might have in that area. These being said, what are you waiting for? You should definitely check it out!

    Ultimatum Theme是网站主题生成器,可以将任何零转换为网页设计英雄。 不可估量的拖放式布局编辑器提供了范围广泛的元素,仅通过进行不同的设置,就可以产生独特的效果。 它基于Bootstrap框架及其直接派生的Boostwatches,但使用CSS live编辑器可以避免拥有另一个看起来像十万个单调网站的危险。 它的用户友好性基于大量的选项和选择。 我们要提到的几个是十二个基本主题,数百个小部件以及与所有WordPress插件的完整集成。 它的价格不算低,但一次性付款,通过许可协议,您可以终身获得所有可访问性和功能。 高级帐户附带的更多功能:移动网站生成器,因为这一部分正在增长,并且域名不受限制,可以满足您在该领域的所有需求。 话虽这么说,你还在等什么呢? 您一定要检查一下!

  5. How cool would it be to create a site only by dragging items and dropping them in the desired place? Simbla Website Builder makes it possible and even more, it gives you such a big range of awesome and freshly made templates that you can choose from for your new website that it’s impossible to not find a suitable one. Moreover, it is fully responsive to any kind of device and all websites are stored and backed up on Simbla’s secure servers, so that you don’t lose anything!

    仅通过将项目拖放到所需的位置来创建站点会有多酷? Simbla网站构建器使之成为可能,甚至还提供了更多功能,它为您提供了许多很棒的新鲜制作的模板,您可以从这些模板中为新网站进行选择,从而找不到合适的模板。 此外,它对任何类型的设备都具有完全的响应能力,所有网站都存储在Simbla的安全服务器上并进行备份,因此您不会丢失任何东西!

  6. You can have a beautiful experience with Themyfy.me, by using their drag-and-drop editor to turn your imagination into real websites. You can get unlimited access to all of their themes for 79$ a year and that would be, for sure, well spent money. You can build everything from a corporate to a blog or a music website, with great features that need no coding experience.

    通过使用Themyfy.me的拖放编辑器,将您的想象力变成真实的网站,您可以拥有美好的体验。 每年只需79美元,您就可以无限制地访问他们的所有主题,这肯定是花钱的。 您可以建立从公司到博客或音乐网站的所有内容,这些功能具有不需要编码经验的强大功能。

  7. Your business is nothing without great management skills, good cooperation between your team and better understandment of your project’s recent issues. TeamDesk helps you achieve all of these, by giving you the chance to create custom databases for your company, with no technical skills required. You can start from one predefined database template or build your database from scratch and the best part is that you adapt the tools to fit the processes you use in a daily basis.

    没有出色的管理技能,团队之间的良好合作以及对项目近期问题的更好了解,您的企业将一事无成。 TeamDesk使您有机会为公司创建自定义数据库,而无需任何技术技能,从而帮助您实现所有这些目标。 您可以从一个预定义的数据库模板开始,也可以从头开始构建数据库,最好的部分是您可以调整工具以适合您日常使用的流程。

  8. By using Hotjar, you will no longer question yourself about what your users are thinking and doing on your site. It is a great analytics tool that visually represents what your users are doing on your site, so that you will know what changes you should make. It will make you think like an actual visitor by understanding their mindset, through the help of various features, such as heatmaps, funnels or surveys.

    通过使用Hotjar,您将不再对自己的用户在网站上的想法和行为提出疑问。 这是一个出色的分析工具,可以直观地表示用户在您的网站上正在做什么,以便您知道应该进行哪些更改。 通过热图,漏斗或调查等各种功能的帮助,您可以通过了解访客的思维来像实际访客一样思考。

  9. Mobirise is an offline app destined for all the non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development, but also for designers who don’t want to fight with coding anymore. It gives users the chance to build 100% mobile-friendly websites with many features, such as video background, that could be a great addition to your website, social buttons to improve the social media engagement or contact forms.

    Mobirise是一款脱机应用程序,面向所有不熟悉Web开发复杂性的非技术人员,也适合那些不想再与编码抗争的设计师。 它为用户提供了建立具有许多功能(例如视频背景)的100%移动友好型网站的机会,这些功能可能对您的网站有很大的帮助,还可以使用社交按钮来改善社交媒体的参与度或联系方式。

  10. uKit is a new, completely code-free website builder for business, for all users who have no coding experience, but still want some beautiful designs and useful widgets on their site. We can say that the only skill required is the ability to use a computer mouse, thanks to its drag-n-drop method. Here are some examples of widgets that you can simply drag to the page: LiveChat, SoundCloud, MailChimp, Ecwid, SlideShare, making it more successful and useful. You can always find more on https://superbwebsitebuilders.com/ or directly on their site!

    uKit是面向企业的全新,完全无代码的网站构建器,适用于所有没有编码经验,但仍希望其网站上具有精美设计和实用小部件的用户。 我们可以说,唯一需要的技能就是使用计算机鼠标的能力,这要归功于它的拖放方法。 以下是一些小部件示例,您可以将它们简单地拖到页面上:LiveChat,SoundCloud,MailChimp,Ecwid,SlideShare,使其更加成功和有用。 您始终可以在https://superbwebsitebuilders.com/上或直接在其网站上找到更多信息!

  11. With Xfive, your projects will be taken to the next level, thanks to their amazing punctuality, high-quality work and big variety of options that will help you website grow and your users be more pleased. They work really quickly and can accurately predict how long things would take, so don’t be afraid and give them a try! It will a big bonus to your website.

    借助Xfive,您的项目将被带入一个新的高度,这要归功于它们惊人的准时性,高质量的工作以及各种各样的选择,这些将帮助您的网站不断发展,并使用户更加满意。 他们的工作速度非常快,可以准确地预测需要花费多长时间,因此不要害怕,请尝试一下! 这将对您的网站有很大的好处。

  12. IM Creator doesn’t need your effort in creating a website, because it is an easy-to-use, simple and free builder made for anyone who wants a good site for their project, even if it is a landing page, a business site or an online store (which yes, it’s possible thanks to the eCommerce option!). Having a big range of cool options, we highly recommend it to most of you!

    IM Creator不需要您创建网站,因为它是易于使用,简单且免费的构建器,适用于希望为其项目提供良好站点的任何人,即使它是登录页面,商务站点也是如此或在线商店(是的,这有可能要归功于eCommerce选项!)。 我们提供各种不错的选择,我们强烈推荐给大多数人!




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